IT’S LIGHTING! transforms your environments

The balance between design, technique, and craftsmanship of each piece in the collection allows you to furnish your home by enhancing the furniture and creating truly unique settings.

Our furniture accessories are the solution to furnish your spaces with simplicity and style.
Pleasant to observe, with unusual and refined shapes, a touch of originality for the entrance, living
room, bedroom, and study.


Various sizes of the same model allow you to find the perfect lamp for every need.
When lit, the folds of the fabric create special and scenic light effects; when off, the lamps are decorative elements with a pleasant visual impact.
Indoor lamps that, in addition to emitting light, generate personal and immersive atmospheres, to experience new spaces.

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Varie dimensioni dello stesso modello consentono di individuare la lampada più adatta per ogni esigenza.
Da accese le pieghe del tessuto creano giochi di luce particolari e scenografici, da spente le lampade sono elementi decorativi dal piacevole impatto visivo.
Lampade da interno che, oltre ad emettere luce, generano personali atmosfere coinvolgenti, per vivere nuovi spazi.

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Not just lighting. Pot covers are a new, fun, and modern alternative to traditional plant holders.
Pot covers to embellish plants and flowers, the accordion structure allows them to wrap containers of various shapes and sizes. The perfect outfit for your houseplants.

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Non solo illuminazione. Le covers per vasi sono l’alternativa nuova, divertente e moderna ai classici portavaso.
Potcovers per abbellire piante e fiori, la struttura a fisarmonica permette di avvolgere contenitori di svariate forme e dimensioni. L’abito perfetto per le piante di casa.

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    Illuminate the space, gift an emotion!

    Come discover all the creations available in IT’S LIGHTING’s shop!

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